Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pension Maximixation Life Insurance

Retiring Soon?

When you retire you typicall meet with a pension administrator to

review the various income options available.

These options, of course, are based in large

part on years of service and annual income

during the years preceding retirement.

But there is a second variable that is often

overlooked by retirees: the survivor's benefit.

Simply put, the survivor's benefit guarantees

that retirement income will continue

even if the retiree dies first. In other words,

in order to protect a spouse against a catastrophic

loss of income that would occur if

the retiree died first, the pension is often

arranged so that payments continue for the

longer of the two lives. Thus the spouse continues

to receive a pension income, even if

he or she outlives the retiring Member. This

is a very important benefit.

But it comes at a cost. If the pension is taken

in a "single life expectancy," the monthly

income will likely be hundreds of dollars

more than if the pension is distributed

through "joint life expectancy." The logic

here is simple: a joint life pension will, in all

likelihood, pay out over a longer period of

time than a single life pension. Thus the

monthly income is significantly reduced.

The Advantages of Pension Maximization

Pension maximization is not only viable; many couples actually prefer it over the spousal benefit for reasons other than pure mathematics. Why?
  • A life insurance benefit is 100% tax-free, while pension income is subject to income tax. (Remember this when comparing the two. For example, if you have a $100,000 pension spousal benefit and a $100,000 life insurance death benefit side by side, the pension payout becomes more like $70,000 after taxes, while the life insurance payout holds at $100,000.)
  • A life insurance death benefit is paid as a lump sum. The only way to get a lump sum with a pension is to accept a greatly reduced payout.
  • Money from life insurance is generational. A pension with a spousal benefit is void after the spouse dies.
  • You have more leniency to adjust or cancel your life insurance coverage if your needs change. There is no going back on your pension decision.

    Pension Maximixation Life Insurance   Learn all the detail to execute a plan for perfect for your situation by using the experts!

hould you choose Pension Life Insurance?

Pension maximization using  life insurance compared to the survivor benefit should be considered based on your specific pension plan and your unique circumstances. Here are few
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Steps to receive Your SelectQuote/Policy

Steps to receive Your SelectQuote/Policy

 When you go online to website you will see a few options to Start Your Free Quote:Speak to an agent, and then Fill out an online form
Many people choose the online profile hoping to obtain an instant select quote life proposal. However, this medical profile consists of your overall personal health history, family history, driving record, nicotine use, dangerous sports or activities, and your contact information.

Realize you will not get to select a quote when you enter your contact information. Before this can happen, you will get a telephone call  from an agent. During your call a few details are typically addressed as follows:
  • First, Select Quote reviews and verifies your information
  • Then, your agent will select the best plan of insurance and death benefit for your needs
  • Your agent will  also attempt to find the best  insurance company for you
  • If you like the ideas presented to you, a brief medical checkup will be ordered
  • Upon approval, Select Quote reviews your established rate class and death benefit
  • Finally, a policy will be mailed out to you
To learn more about Select Quote, visit our review site too.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Anerican General Clients

I hope all is well! You currently have a life insurance policy with American General, which was purchased through our agency. I am writing you a quick article to let you know we are currently conducting policy reviews with our clients.
Most clients looking to maintain life insurance coverage for specific period of time typically only consider a term life insurance product. Your current term insurance initially was purchased provides coverage for periods of 10,15, 20 years.
10 or 15 Year Term - Is your coverage is near the end of the initial term period? We can look at the cost of extending coverage with a new term policy.
15 or 20 Year Term - Do you have 5 or 10 years left on your coverage? Good news, the rates for life insurance have been dropping. We have found that you can often purchase a new policy to either obtain more duration, or lower your premium payment with the same length of coverage.
Convert my Existing Policy - What if you would like coverage for even a longer period of time or to a specific age? Even if you have developed a health problem, you can convert your existing policy to new type of permanent policy without a new insurance exam. These policies also offer similar premiums to term life plans for healthy individuals.
Clients looking for a longer duration have a more flexible choice with a new hybrid product that combines elements of both term life coverage and universal life. These lifetime plans do not accumulate much cash value, but premiums can be guaranteed for selected for periods of time, or to a specific age.

So, premiums can be scaled to coordinate with your desired budget and the face amount required for your family.

This plan design offers a happy medium between term life insurance and higher costing permanent policies which build excessive cash values. These popular life insurance polices are always customized to your unique needs and budget. If you would like a comprehensive analysis to evaluate plan features and benefits, do not hesitate to call us 1-877-249-1358.

Eric Van Haaften, LUTCF